Weekly Church Pewsheet
We make a pewsheet each week that includes our Sunday Bible readings, prayer points and information about upcoming events.
To download our latest and recent pew sheets please click on relevant one below:
Parish Magazine
Each month we produce a St Peter and St Paul's Church Magazine. You can pick one up from the church: either inside or outside on the box by the noticeboard. You can also find copies in the Village shop and by the Parish Council noticeboards around the village.
Inside you'll find latest news about church services and upcoming events, as well as articles. If you would like more information or to feature something in an upcoming magazine, please email our magazine editor Sarah Hamilton: editorchurchmagazine@outlook.com
Email list
Every week we send an email around on a Saturday which includes the church pewsheet and news about upcoming Church events. If you would like to be added to the email list, please e-mail Mike Halford: mikehalford2@gmail.com
Data privacy
Please find information here about how we keep and store your personal data in line with GDPR requirements.