Welcome to All Saints
All Saints
All Saints Parish Church has been a centre for the Rayne community for over 1,000 years.
Our church building has undergone several transformations over the ages. Most recently, we have remodelled the inside of the church so that we can better fulfil our outreach and mission to our community.
We want to be a church that is growing: growing in faith, growing in number, and growing good in our community.
Come and join us!
Details below of our regular activities. For upcoming events see Whats Ahead here.
Sunday Services
9:30 am
1st Sunday - Traditional Communion
2nd Sunday - All Age Worship
3rd Sunday - Modern Holy Communion
4th Sunday - Morning Prayer
Time to Be Service at 4 p.m.
5th Sunday - Benefice Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Wednesdays at 9.00am
What’s going on?
Lunch Club
On the 2nd Thursday of each month we provide a lunch club in the Old School Room. For £6 we make a main course and desert and we are happy to adapt the meal to fit any dietary requirements and / or deliver it to your home.
Art Group
The Community Art Group meets in the Church on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, from 1-4pm. All are welcome - and all art is good enough! Each session is £3. For more information please speak to Caroline Lish at caroline610678@aol.com
Soup and Sandwiches
On the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Thursdays in the month we have homecooked soup and sandwiches in the Old School Rooms. Stay afterwards for board games, crafts and lots of lively chat, only £4.
At All Saints, our vision is to:
• Tell the gospel of Jesus Christ
• Teach the faith and baptise new believers
• Tend to the needs of the community
• Transform the unjust structures of society
• Treasure creation
To find out what our services are like, please check out the live streamed videos on Facebook here - but the best way to see what we're about is to come along in person.

Being a disciple of Jesus means that we are continuing to learn and grow as we follow him.
If you have questions about the Christian faith we run an Alpha course each year that provides a time to share with others who are asking similar questions. We also
offer courses to go deeper in Lent and Advent, and at other times of year, please speak to our Ministers for more information.
If you would like to find out about taking a step of faith through baptism or confirmation, please click here.

Children and families
Jesus welcomed little children to him and we want to follow his example.
Our all age service takes place on the Second Sunday of the month at 9.30am. It is more informal, and designed with wriggly children in mind. We encourage all families who are enquiring about baptism to first come along to this service.
Find out more about our other Children and Families activities here.
We love hosting events that involve the whole community; from school visits to concerts; Sponsored Bounces to Teddy Bear Parachute Jumps; and delicious dinners - All Saint's specialty!
We want to be at the heart of the community in Rayne village.
Food: We host weekly meals in the Old School Room where everyone is welcome: Lunch Club and Soup and Sandwiches takes place on Thursday lunchtime. We also run a monthly bread making workshop on a Saturday morning called Knead.
Children: Every school holiday we run Picnic in the Park, providing a free lunch to primary school age children on Tuesdays. In the winter and spring we meet in church and watch a film, and in the summer you can find us at Rayne park!
Creativity: We host a monthly community Art Group that runs on the third Wednesday afternoon of every month. We also have a Church Choir that sings on our Fourth Sunday service.
Follow us on Facebook to find out about our upcoming events.

Life events

A baptism or a christening marks the beginning of a journey of following Jesus.
We are always delighted to baptise people, find out more here.
The death of someone close is a very sad time and there is always such a lot to do when you least feel able to cope. Whatever your needs, we are here to help at this difficult time.

It is a joy to welcome couples to our church for their wedding. The service is central to one of the most important days of your life and we do everything we can to ensure that it is really special.
Grieving doesn't end with the funeral. Our churchyard and memorial garden surrounded by peaceful countryside provide a special place to come and remember your loved ones.

We are committed to praying for our church to grow in numbers, in faith and in the good we do in our communities.
Each week in church we pray for the needs of the world and for others. We also gather to pray in the church on Fridays at 9am, and you are very welcome.
We are always happy to pray for you. Any prayer requests left in the chapel on the prayer table will be prayed for. Please do contact the clergy if you have any specific requests.
Volunteers make the church go round! We are so grateful for all those who give their time to make All Saints' mission and vision a reality.
We always welcome new volunteers.
At the moment we are looking for volunteers for:
• 'Green team' creation care
• Bell ringing
• Music
• Refreshments
If you would like to help out in our services (such as reading the Bible or leading the prayers) please speak to Rev Rachel or Rev Roman in the first instance.

Ministry at All Saints is funded almost entirely from giving by members of the congregation and we are thankful for this generosity.
Give In Person
If you come to a service, you can donate cash on the collection plate which is left in the porch. We can also provide a card machine if you do not have any cash available.
Give Online
Donations can be made online using the
following details:
Sort code 40 13 18
Account number 81361112
Give Regularly
If you would like to give regularly to All Saints,
please email our treasurer Charlotte Brine at charlotteb19@btinternet.com.
If you are able to gift aid your donations, thank you! Please download this form and send to Charlotte Brine.
Easy Fundraising
We’re using easyfundraising, a free fundraising platform that allows us to earn when you shop online. Sign up for free here, it doesn't cost you a penny, but all adds up for us!
Get in touch
We'd love to hear from you

Colin Miles
Local Preacher and Church Warden at All Saints Rayne
Colin Miles
01376 801884

Graham Brine
Churchwarden at All Saints, Rayne

Chris Hutton
Reader at All Saints, Rayne
Graham Brine
Chris Hutton
01376 324719
01376 324630

Rev'd Rachel Prior
Rev'd Roman Kukiewicz
Rev'd Nikki Horsley
Day off: Saturday

We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our Parochial Church Council (PCC) has adopted the Church of England's policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England's website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding
Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer Judy Spearman can be contacted by emailing judy52spearman@gmail.com