We want to serve our community in Rayne - and we love feeding people!
Our Annual Report covering what we do is available here
Lunch Club
On the 2nd Thursday of each month we provide a lunch club in the Old School Room. For £5 we make a main course and dessert, and we most happy to adapt the meal to fit any dietary requirements and/or deliver it to your home.

Soup and Sandwiches
On the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Thursdays in the month we have homecooked soup and sandwiches in the Old School Rooms. Stay afterwards for board games, crafts and lots of lively chat, only £4.
Picnic in the Park

In October half term we provided a free picnic lunch for families at the park.
We hope to be able to do the same in other school holidays - watch this space!
We collect donations for the Braintree Foodbank
every week. Our collection point is 6 Brunwin Road.