"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" - Matthew 5:4
The Churchyard
All Saints Churchyard is a place of quiet and repose, a place where comfort is drawn from the peace provided by being close to God and to his church. The setting of our churchyard in Rayne here, overlooking the village fields is particularly beautiful and inspiring. We hope that all those who come here will encounter God's peace and comfort.
Tending to Graves
Kindly note that since the churchyard is consecrated ground, there are rules about tending to graves. Please read our Guidance for Families here.
Control of the churchyards and suitability of memorials rests ultimately with the Diocesan Chancellor. As such Rev'd Rachel is only allowed to give permission for memorials which fall within the guidelines; anything unusual will need to be referred to the Chancellor by way of a faculty application.
When you come to consider a memorial, your stone-mason or funeral director should be able to advise you on what is possible. For full details, read the Diocese of Chelmsford's Churchyard Handbook here.
Please note that over the years, guidelines have changed and so what you see on a neighbouring gravestone may no longer be permitted or may require a faculty.
Caring for the Churchyard
We are very grateful to all those who tidy the churchyard, particularly to the Parish Council for their work in cutting the grass and removing rubbish in the churchyard. In keeping with our commitment to care for creation, we want to encourage biodiversity and are in the process of creating wildflower areas. There are also areas of the churchyard that have bug hotels and we will be introducing more measures so that wildlife can flourish. We are always happy to receive help in tending to the churchyard, especially in our 'greening the churchyard' initiative. Please contact Rev Rachel or Rev Roman if you are interested.
The Garden of Remembrance
The Garden of Remembrance is a resting place for those who have been cremated. There are four walls which can display memorial plaques and a bench where loved ones can sit during their visit.
If you wish to make use of the Garden of Remembrance, your undertaker will be able to help you with arrangements and will contact us for you. If you would like to make an application for a plaque directly yourself then please feel free to download the necessary form by clicking here.
Please note that we have a set down pattern and policy for the order in which the plaques are attached so that they are setting out in a clear pattern and in order. Ashes are always placed into the ground directly and respectfully with no container. We keep an exact record of the locations of all interments.
Support us O Lord
all the day long of this troublous life,
until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes
the busy world is hushed,
the fever of life is over
and our work is done.
Then Lord in your mercy grant to us and those we love safe lodging
a holy rest and peace at the last,
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
-The Church of England Funeral Service