Children and Families
We love welcoming children and families to church and we have an exciting array of activities and groups going on.
The All-Age Service on the 1st Sunday of each month at 9.30 am, which is child and family friendly. We want to be a church that involves all ages, and you'll find the children taking active roles in this service.
On the other Sundays there are toys at the back to play with, activity sheets and happy bags for children to take back to the pews with them. There are toilets with baby changing facilities in the Florence Slater Room.
Sunday Club meets monthly on the 4th Sunday of the month at 10.45 am in the Florence Slater Room. Here there are activities for children and young people from age 3 (with parental support needed for young children).

Festival Fun Days occur at high points of the Church Year (such as Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost). Keep an eye on our Facebook page here to find out when our next one is taking place.
Junior Choir meets on the 4th Sunday of the month at 10.15am in the Florence Slater Room. No experience of singing or music is needed, just a love of singing and a willingness to have a go!
Our youth group called 'The Friday Seekers' (from those in Year 5 and above)is held on the 3rd Friday of each month. Our next evening will be on Friday 20th November.

Deborah Ferris
is our Children and Families worker.
Contact her by email deborahferrisblacknotley@gmail.com